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Franklin, IN

Johnson Memorial Hospital Expansion

Project Overview

Johnson Memorial Hospital, to address growing population needs over the next decade, constructed a new, state-of-the-art emergency/outpatient services facility and new, comprehensive rehabilitation center on the hospital’s campus. The two-story ED/Outpatient expansion to the hospital includes a 17,400 square-foot emergency department with a new ambulance drive and bay.  The 33,000 square-foot outpatient services space offers radiology, laboratory and wellness activities, wellness suite and room for future expansion and services on the second floor. A large, separate canopy-covered entrance provides smooth, safe patient access.  We designed the two-story steel framing and concrete foundations with the ability to support a future third level.  Our scope of work included extensive modifications to the interface with the existing building as well as the physical plant which was necessary to mechanically accommodate the expansion.

Structural Engineering

Johnson Memorial Hospital Expansion

Hospital Expansion
  • Location
    Franklin, IN
  • Owner
    Johnson Memorial Health
  • Architect
  • Size
    50,000 SF

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